Configuring status preference

When calculating the results for each test entity, you have two options to prioritize how the outcomes are assessed. Choose the method that best aligns with your testing goals:

  1. Prioritize Successful Outcomes (Passed First):
    If your focus is on ensuring that the majority of tests pass, select this option. The system will evaluate the results with a higher emphasis on tests that pass, following this order of priority:

    • Passed

    • Skipped

    • Interrupted

    • Timed Out

    • Failed

  2. Prioritize Critical Failures (Failed First) (Default):
    If identifying and addressing test failures is your top priority, choose this option. The system will prioritize results by focusing on tests that failed, using the following order:

    • Failed

    • Timed Out

    • Interrupted

    • Skipped

    • Passed

This allows you to customize the result calculation process to align with the specific objectives of your testing strategy.

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