Adding tags to runs

Tags provide you with a great way to organize your test runs in NeetoPlaydash. They provide you with the option to search, filter and trigger some events based on the tag name. The tags for a run can be configured by adding them to the Playwright configuration. While the tags can be hard-coded into the configuration, we recommend using environment variables for additional flexibility.

To add tags to the Neeto Playwright reporter:

  1. In the configuration object add a new entry called tags with the tag names for the run. You can provide one or more tags by defining them as a string or an array of strings respectively.

    Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 8.43.03 PM.png
    Adding tags to the Neeto Playwright reporter

  2. Execute the Playwright tests.

    Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 9.02.11 PM.png
    Running the Playwright tests

  3. You will be able to see the new run on the dashboard with the tags.

    Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 9.05.58 PM.png
    Run with the provided tags on the NeetoPlaydash dashboard

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